MHR 382: A accommodation is a process that occurs when people from different cultures come into contact and accept and create space for one another.
Acculturation is the cultural changes that occur when two cultures accommodate, or adapt to, each other’s worldviews.
Apartheid is an Afrikaans word that refers to a policy of segregating and discriminating against non-whites in South Africa.
Assimilation is a process that occurs when the culture of a minority group is absorbed by another culture.
Basic needs include people’s basic physical needs such as food, clothing, shelter, and water, as well as social needs like family and friends, and emotional needs like a sense of belonging and being loved.
Biodiversity refers to the variety in plant and animal species.
Blood oil is oil that is obtained through violence and bloodshed.
Boreal forest is an environmentally sensitive sub-Arctic region that consists of mostly coniferous trees, such as spruce, fir, and pine.
Capitalism is an economic system that advocates free trade, competition, and choice as a means of achieving prosperity.
Civil society is a sector of society made up of non-government and non-business groups, including community groups, non-governmental organizations, faith-based groups, and universities.
Collective is a group to which a person belongs and identifies with.
Communism is an economic and political system whose purpose is to eliminate class distinctions.
Compare is to find similarities and differences.
Connotation is the emotional associations people attach to a word or phrase.
Consensus is general agreement.
Containerization is the transporting of goods in standard-sized shipping containers.
Context refers to circumstances or surroundings.
Contrast is to find differences between or among things or ideas.
Cross-cultural communication is communication that occurs among people of different cultures.
Cultural content laws are laws passed by a government to prevents a group’s cultural identity — including its artists, performers, songs, movies, and literature — from being overwhelmed by the media of a more dominant culture.
Cultural diversity refers to the variety in cultures and identities.
Cultural mosaic is a society that is made up of many distinct cultural groups.
Cultural pluralism is the idea that a variety of peoples are free to affirm and promote their customs, traditions, beliefs, and language within a society.
Cultural revitalization is the process of affirming and promoting people’s individual and collective cultural identity.
Multiculturalism is an official Canadian government policy founded on the idea that Canadian society is pluralistic — made of many culturally distinct groups who are free to affirm and promote their own cultural identity.
Rough consensus is an agreement that involves most people in a group.
Sustain is to provide the basic necessities needed to support life.
A role model is someone to whom others look as an example to emulate.
Pop culture is a short form for “popular culture,” which is the culture of the people.
Reparations are the act of making amends for wrongdoing, which may include payments made by a defeated enemy to countries whose territory was damaged during a war.
Stewardship is accepting responsibility for ensuring that the earth’s resources remain sustainable.
Overgeneralizing is drawing a conclusion based on too little information.
Propaganda is the act of spreading ideas and information for the purpose of achieving a specific goal.
Virtual community is a community made up of people who may never have met in person but who interact via the Internet in chat rooms and blogs, through instant messaging, or through social networking
Privatization is the selling of a public service, such as electricity delivery or health care, to a private company so that the service is no longer owned by the government.
In colonies, trade was strictly controlled to benefit the economy of the imperial power.
Sustainable prosperity is practising stewardship of the environment and resources so that future generations are able to achieve prosperity.
The Quiet Revolution was a period of intense social, political, and economic change in Québec, lasting from about 1960 to 1966, during which Québécois began to assert their rights and affirm and promote their language and culture.
Outsourcing is a business strategy that involves reducing costs by using suppliers of products and services in countries where labour is cheaper and government regulation may be less strict.
Sustainable development is development that meets people’s needs in the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.