the defence of dr can be raised to murder and if sucessful will reduce the charge to voluntary manslaughter
set out by s2 homicide act 1957 but reformed by s52 of the coronors and justice act 2009
the defendent must be suffering from an abnomality of mental functioning - byrne
defined as a state of mind so different from that of an ordinary human being that the reasonable man would term it abnormal
the abnormality must arrise from a recognised medical condition
battered wife syndrome - aluwhalia
post natal depression - reynolds
pre menstrul tension - english
psychological disorder - byrne
the abnormality must substantially impair the d's ability to - form a rational judgement - understand the nature of their conduct - exercise self control
substantial is not total or minimal but something in between - brown and egan
ignore intox - gittens and dietschmann
can consider alcohol is medical condition -alcohol dependancy syndrome - woods