article 5

Cards (28)

  • article 5 - right to liberty and security
  • article 5 is a limited right - state can derogate under subsections a-f
  • a - lawful detention of a person convicted
  • b - lawful arest of a person for non complaince
  • c - lawful arrest of a person for the purpose of bringing before a court
  • d - detention of a minor by lawful order for the purpose of educational supervision
  • e - control of infectious diseases
  • f - lawful arest of a person to prevent entry into a country
  • other times it can derogate comes from subsections 2-5
  • 5(2) everyoen arrested should be informed promptly of reasons for arrest
  • 5(3) everone detained should be brought prompltly before a judge
  • 5(4) everyone deprived of liberty is entitled to have lawfulness of detention decided speedily
  • 5(5) everyone who has been the victim of arrest has rights to compensation
  • shimovolos v russia - a5 cannot be used arbitarily
  • mckay v uk - 4 days is max you can hold for
  • brogan v uk - 4 days and 6 hours is too long
  • guzzardi v italy - deprivation is a matter of degree and intensity
  • stafford v uk - indeterminiate sentences are incompatible with a5
  • austin + ors v uk - measures must be proportionate
  • winterwerp v netherlands - detention can be justified - medical condition - appropriate duration - appropriate institution - periodically reviewed
  • a + others v uk - unlawful to detain terror suspects without charge
  • gillian + quinton v uk - random stop and search is unlawful
  • r v samuel - right to a solicitor
  • r v moos v met police - kettling should be used as a last resort
  • mengesh v met police - cannot keep details of kettling
  • cheshire west v p - those in continuous care have same rights
  • p + q v surrey - test for deprivation
  • roberts v met police - making someone wait is not deprivation