
Cards (18)

  • Vectors are a way to describe a translation from A to B
  • Vectors have magnitude and direction
  • Vector AB is represented by an arrow above the notation
  • Vector AB is represented by an arrow above the notation
  • Quantities that only have magnitude are called scalars
  • Quantities that only have magnitude are called scalars
  • Vectors are parallel if one is a multiple of the other
  • Vectors that are reversed are equal to each other but are negative
  • Vectors can be multipled by scalars
  • Vectors can be multipled by scalars
  • When a vector is multiplied by a scalar, the resulting vector is either parallel to the original vector or lies on the same line
  • When a vector is parallel to another vector (or lies on the same line), it can be written as a scalar, λ, where λ is a non-zero scalar
  • The rules of algebra still apply to vectors
  • Vectors are represented quantitatively as columns or by using i and j expressions
  • ¦a¦ = magnitude of a
  • Position Vector: Relative to a fixed position
  • If a and b are two non-parallel vectors and pa + qb = ra + sb then p = r and q = s
  • Bearings are
    • Measured from the North
    • Clockwise
    • Notated with 3 Digits