L16 Social Motives

Cards (7)

  • Motivation: what drives animals to do anything. A state of arousal that promotes goal-directed behaviour.
    Motives: specific internal drivers of behaviour
  • Freud:
    • The Id is the source of basic drives
    • The superego pushes the person towards behaving in a socially appropriate way.
    • Hierarchy of needs is a set of motives
  • Maslow - the need to belong:
    • Online interactions reflect this
    • In the past the need to belong to a group was life/death situation.
    • Cyberball experiment: online game where two other players either include or exclude the participant. In the exclusion condition the participants feel social pain. Follow ups - still felt social pain when excluded by the KKK and when they lost money when included and kept money when excluded
  • The need to belong:
    We use words associated with physical pain to describe social pain - do they share a fundamental commonality in the brain? The dorsal subdivision of the anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) is involved with physical pain and is activated with Cyberball study.
    • People who experience early social trauma report more physical pain later in life
  • Sexual selection:
    • Intrasexual selection = competition for sexual access
    • Intersexual selection = mate choice based on traits that signal gene quality and/or health
  • Existential anxiety:
    • Terror management theory = many things we do are geared towards reducing the ‘terror’ associated with the knowledge of mortality.
    • Cultural anxiety buffers e.g. religion provide ways of achieving symbolic immortality to reduce anxiety.
  • Mortality salience hypothesis = people who are reminded of their own mortality will work to reinforce their cultural worldviews, e.g. become more patriotic