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  • organ system is a group of organs that work together to perform a specific function
  • there are two types of organ systems ; respiratory and circulatory system
  • the body gets its energy from a chemical reaction that takes place in a cells . that chemical reaction is called respiration
  • the fuel for this chemical reaction comes from carbohydrates and fat which is in the foods we eat
  • the carbphydrates and fat are broken down into small molecu;es like glucose
  • the lungs provide oxygen that BURNS the glucose
  • Aerobic means with air
  • and anaerobic means without air
  • during the process of respiration the energy that holds the glucose molecule togather is released
  • this energy is used by cells to do work, move around or stay alive
  • when there isn't enough oxygen available to burn all the glucose aerobically, some of it will be burned without oxygen (anaerobically)
  • carbon dioxide and water are produced as waste products
  • when body cells are producing energy they use up oxygen and produce carbondioxide and water
  • the air we exhale contains water vapour
  • the air we inhale contains oxygen which is carried by the blood to the cells and the carbon dioxide is carried out of the cells by the blood
  • the lungs are technically 2 plastic pouches lying inside the rib
  • the lungs sre connected outside by the windpipe
  • the windpipe is also called the trachea
  • the trachea is divided into a smaller tube called the bronchi
  • the brochi is further divided into more smaller tubes called bronchioles
  • after more branchingthe tubes end up in thin walled tiny air sacs called alveoli
  • in the lining of the air passages there are 2 types of cells one type is covered with tiny hairlike cilia and the otheer is covered in a sticky liquid called mucus
  • the main function of mucus is to stop any dust particle or bacteris from entering the windpipe
  • the dust particles and the bacteria stick to the mucus and the cilia carry up the mucus towards the mouth were it is then swallowed
  • oxygen moves into the blood by diffusion
  • the aveoli are well adapted to speed up the process of the oxygens diffusion
  • there are thousands of aveoli providing a large surface are for the blood
  • the walls of the aveoli are very thin so that oxygen can diffuse easily through them
  • the lining of the aveoli is quite moist so that the oxygen can easily disslove
  • the aveoli are surrounded by tiny blood vesseld called capillaries . they carry the oxygen away
  • carbon dioxide enters the lungs from the air sacs (alveoli) and then leaves the body as it passes out of the lungs.
  • Lungs can hold about 5 liters of oxygen
  • meanwhile when you are sleeping only 500cmcube is exchanged
  • during excersize you breathe in an extra 3 litres of oxygen
  • Breathing is a simple way of exchanging gases between lungs and the surrounding air
  • respiration is when glucose is broken down
  • respiration takes place in the powerhouse of cell aka mitochondria
  • in anaerobic respirattion is broken down into lactic acid
  • there are 2 types of circulatory system , open and closed
  • the open circulatory consists of a heart and no blood vessels the heart has a tube shape and it pumps blood on to the muscles . the heart has holes in it so that the blood gradually comes back , the blood moves with the body movement