Ideas of the Holy

Cards (10)

  • What book did Stace write?
    Mysticism and Philosophy 1960
  • What years were Stace alive in?
  • Epistemologist
    someone who studies how we know things
  • What did Stace say about God?
    "Either God is a mystery or he is nothing at all"
  • What does Stace believe the goal of religious experience is?
    The mystical union with God
  • Mystics
    people who lose the conscious 'I' and become one with the divine
  • mysticism
    non-sensuous and non-intellectual union with the divine
  • Mystical experience is not to do with:
    • "mystery"
    • The "occult"
    • Parapsychological phenomena
  • Extrovertive experience
    non-sensuous unity shines through transfigured ordinary objects
  • Introvertive experiences
    non-intellectual experience where awareness of the world is obliterated and there is a total suppression of sense-experience