Swinburne's Principle of Credulity and Testimony

Cards (4)

  • The Principle of Credulity
    We should accept what appears to be the case until we have clear evidence of the contrary
  • The 4 Considerations
    1. reliability of the claim
    2. truth of the claim
    3. difficulty showing God's presence in the claim
    4. what is claimed can be accounted for in other ways
  • Principle of testimony
    we should trust that those who tell us they had a religious experience unless there is a reason to not believe them. It is the sceptics job to show the experience should be rejected, not the believers job to prove them
  • Swinburne concludes:
    1. Someone who has had a religious experience has good reason for believing there is a God
    2. Testimony of others who report similar experiences support such a claim
    3. Without religious experience, the probability of God's existence is 50/50. With experiences, it is greater: God probably exists