9A- When Hitler first because chancellor he was in a very weak position
9A- Then Hitler became chancellor, the Nazis did not gave a majority, this made it hard the the Nazis to pass laws in the reich stag
9A- Hindenburg and Papen planned to use Hitler as a puppet
9A- support for the Nazis had fallen from 37% to 33% between the elections of july and November 1932
9A- HermannGoering, a leading Nazi controlled police in about two-thirds in Germany. he used his position to get the SA to harass opponents without being arrested
IMPORTANT= 27thfebuary 1933- Reichstag fire
9A- Hitler blamed the communist party for the reichstag fire since a communist (van der Lubbe) was arrested for starting the fire
9A- the Reichstag fire allowed Hitler to pass the emergency decree, which gave Hitler the power to arrest and imprison 4000communists including the leader of KPD party without trial
9A- Fear of communism meant more people voted for Nazis, as their support rose from 33% to 44%
9A- after the election, Hitler used his emergency powers to ban the communist party
IMPORTANT= On the 23rd of March 1933 the reichstag passed the enablingact by 444 votes to 94. This gave hitler the power to make laws without the reichstagsconsent
9A- Only the SPD party voted against the enabling act
9A- enabling act gave Hitler the power to make laws without the approval of the reichstag, or having to utilise article 48
9A- the enabling act meant Hitler was a dictator and marked the end of the Weimar constitution, as it was no longer a democracy
9A- using the powers of the enabling act, he removed further opposition by banning and making illegal trade unions and other banning other political partys
9A- on 2nd May 1933, Trade unions officals were arrested and trade unions banned. This meant unions couldn’t unite people to protest and organise a generalstrike against the Nazis.
9A- on the 14th of July 1933 all politicalparties, except the Nazis were banned. This made Germany, aonepartystate and destroyed democracy.
9A- January1934 Hitler abolished localParliaments and replaced them with Nazi governors appointed by him. This gave Hitler control of everyregion in Germany
IMPORTANT= On 30th june 1934, the nightoflong knives. SA leader Ernst Rohm and hundreds of other SA members were taken to prison and shot by the SS
9B - Hitler used to be excuse that the SA were planning a revolution to take over the government for the night of long knives
Explain why Hitler ordered the removal of leaders in the SA in 1934
Explain why the night of long knifes was important in the creation of a dictatership
10A- The Nazis used the SS, gestapo (secretpolice), the SD (an intellegence agency), and concentration camps to instil fear into people
10A- the SD (securityservice) was the intelligence agency of the Nazi party, responsible for state security. They use intelligence to discover actual and potential enemies of the Nazi party and insures they were removed.
10A- the SD attracted many professional people such as lawyers and professors
10A- the SS (Hitlers personal protection squad) were led by HeinrichHimmler. All recruits had to be Aryan race which was blond, blue eyed, and physically fit. They also had to marry raciallypure wives
10A- during the 1930s, the SS was expanded to 240,000 men, and putting in charge of all other police and security services at a concentration camps
10A- the Gustapo spied on people, tapped telephones, opened mail and used informants to identify anyone suspected of criticising or opposing the Nazi government
10A- The Gestapo were particularly feared, because they wore plain clothes, and could not be told apart from other members of the public
10A- The gestapo often arrived early in the morning to take suspects away. in 1939 alone 160,000 people were arrested for political offences
10A- torture was used when questioning suspects and offenders could be imprisoned or sent to a concentration camp without a trial
10A- They have more than 30,000 gestapo officers in a population of 80 million so it could be argued that the fear of the Gestapo was not justified by their size
10A- the Gustapo discovered only about 10% of political ctimes committed
10A- the first ever concentrating opened in Dachau in 1933. There was six concentration camps by 1939, holding up to 20000 people
10B- the Nazis controlled the legalsystem. court were bias in favour of the Nazis, and all Laws were interpreted in a nazi fashion
10B- all judges is had to Become members of the ‘nationalistsocialist league for the maintenance of the law’. This meant that all judges has support Nazi ideas and uphold Nazi views. A fair trial was impossible.
10B- Hitler abolished trialbyjury. all judges were handpicks Nazis and decided innocence, guilt and punishments
10B- Hitler set up a peoples court to hear treason cases. trials were held in secrets and there was no right to appeal against the verdict. by 1939 it had sentenced over 500 people to death for political offences
10B- the number of offences carrying the death penalty went up from 3 in 1933 to 46 by 1943. Some of these included listening to foreign radiostations, having sex with a Jew or telling an anti-nazijoke.