Biopsychology EQ 1

Cards (5)

  • Outline the role of adrenaline in the fight or flight response
    • released by the adrenal medulla in response to activation of the sympathetic nervous system
    • Adrenaline has a range of different effects on the body
    • Direct affects - increasing heart rate; restricting blood vessels, increasing blood flow
    • General effects - fight or flight; blood/oxygen supplied to the brain for rapid response planning; blood supplied to the skeletal muscles for physical action
  • Explain the actions of the autonomic nervous system in response to threat
    • Sympathetic nervous system - responds to a perceived threat by producing physiological changes that prepare the body for fight or flight
    • Parasympathetic nervous system - restores normal physiological functioning when the treat has passed
  • One function of the endocrine system?
    • secrete hormones which are required to regulate many bodily functions
    • Hormones are chemical messengers that travel to target cells via the bloodstream
  • Thyroxine
    • increases metabolic rate
    • affects growth
  • How does the hypothalamus link the nervous system and endocrine system?
    • CNS sends a signal to the hypothalamus
    • signal is sent to the pituitary gland which is triggered to release the hormone ACTH
    • this stimulates target glands to release their hormones