Cards (11)

  • Flammable/ combustion: Ignites with little effort. Store away from ignition sources like gas and hairspray.
  • Compressed Gas: May explode. Store in proper containers, transported properly and stored away from heat. Eg: compressed gas, liquified gas, and propane bottles.
  • Oxidizing Materials: speeds up the development of a fire or makes it more intense. It must be stored in special containers and transported with extreme care. Eg; hydrogen peroxide
  • Corrosive materials/ caustic: highly corrosive and able to burn organic matter. Wear gloves when using. Eg: bleach, battery acid, oven cleaner, and hydrochloric acid.
  • Acute Toxicity: Poison, can cause death or toxicity with short exposure to small amounts. Store away from children and pets, and store with proper ventilation. Eg: bleach, Mr. clean, tide pods, and carbon monoxide.
  • Biohazardous Infectious Materials: May cause virus or disease. Wear a mask and gloves when handling. Dispose of it carefully. Eg: blood
  • Harmful/infectious: an immediate skin, eye, or respiratory tract irritant. Wear proper safety gear and have proper ventilation.
  • Health Hazard: Cancer-causing agent, causes damage over time. Wear proper safety gear, take precautions.
  • Explosive bomb: highly unstable materials, risk of exploding. Proper storage and transport, KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT.
  • Environmental Hazard: chemical toxic to aquatic wildlife. Proper disposal and do not dump in sewers.
  • Safety Datasheet: First aid measures, handling, transportation, disposal, hazard information