Standard Deviation is a measure of the spread of scores around the mean, and approximately 68% of data will fall within 1 standard deviation of the mean, and 95% of all data will fall within 2 standard deviation of the mean.
A large standard deviation indicates the participant's scores were inconsistent and that the scores were widely spread with a high degree of human error or low accuracy.
The coefficient of variation is the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean expressed as a percentage, and it allows you to compare different types of data.
Maximal tests involve participants completing exercise to exhaustion, putting larger stress on the body and may not be suitable for participants who are not used to performing at maximal intensity.
Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) is completed prior to an individual participating in physical activity to assess their capability in doing the study.
Identification of research question, identification of variables (IV, DV, CV's and their management), appropriate number of trials, and one-way ANOVA tests are all part of study design.
Control groups: a group in a scientific experiment where the factor being tested isn't applied, so it serves as a standard for comparison against another group where the factor is applied
Blinding (Double-blinding): a blind experiment is a test in which information about the test is concealed from the tester, participant or both to avoid researcher bias
Randomisation: objects or individuals are randomly assigned, by chance, to an experimental group, ensuring there's no bias in the study which may influence the subjects and hence the results