1. A 50 year old female with a ten year history of type II diabetes presents for regularly-scheduled follow up. She has no complaints, and just visited her ophthalmologist last week. Current medications include glyburide, metformin, and simvastatin. On physical exam, vital signs are virtually unchanged from previous visits, with temperature 37.1 C (99 F), HR 80, BP 140/83, RR 15, and O2 Sat 98% on room air. Neurological examination reveals diminished sensation to light touch and pinprick in a stocking distribution on the lower extremities bilaterally. Remainder of physical exam is benign. Laboratory evaluation reveals: Na+ 136, K+ 3.9 Cl- 104, HCO3- 25, BUN 15, Cr 1.0, Glucose 150; hemoglobin A1c: 7.1%; Urinalysis: negative for ketones, glucose, bilirubin, leukocyte esterase, or blood; moderate protein; Lipid profile: Total cholesterol 146, HDL 46, LDL 100. At this time, which of the following would be the most appropriate intervention?A. Increase simvastatinB. Increase glyburideC. Increase metforminD. Add HCTZ E. Add lisinopril