Cellular Respiration

Cards (12)

    • Food serves as a source of raw materials for cells and as a source of chemical energy (glucose)
    • However, the glucose in food must be converted to free energy (ATP) in order for cells to use it for cell activities like active transport
    • This process is called Cellular Respiration
    • Cellular Respiration occurs in both autotrophs and heterotrophs (all organisms)
    • final stages happen in the mitochondria
  • There are two ways to convert food molecules into free energy:
    • Aerobic Cellular Respiration
    • occurs with oxygen
    • releases a LOT of energy (36 ATP)
    • Anaerobic Cellular Respiration (Fermentation)
    • occurs without oxygen
    • releases a little bit of energy (2 ATP)
    • no oxygen required to release a small amount of ATP (2 molecules)
  • Aerobic Cellular Respiration
    • Cellular respiration is the set of reactions that releases free energy (ATP) by breaking down glucose and other food molecules (like fats) in the presence of oxygen
    • Three Step Process
    • Glycolysis
    • Krebs Cycle
    • Electron Transport Chain
  • Aerobic Cellular Respiration
    • Why Cellular Respiration?
    • Each step is catalyzed by enzymes
    • Each step releases free energy which is stored in ATP
    • Breaks down glucose in a series of reactions (steps) to avoid releasing too much energy and heat all at once and cooking the cells
    • Chemical formula for Aerobic CR
    • 6O2 + C6H12O6 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy (ATP)
  • Aerobic Cellular Respiration
    • 3 steps in Aerobic CR
    • Glycolysis
    • Both aerobic & anaerobic pathways start with this process
    • It happens in the cytoplasm (outside mitochondria)
    • Doesn't require oxygen
    • One molecule of glucose is broken in half, producing two 3-carbon molecules called pyruvic acid (pyruvate) that can be used in the next steps of respiration
    • Happens so fast that cells can produce thousands of ATP molecules in a few milliseconds
    • Each glucose produces only 2 ATP molecules
    • IMPORTANT: NAD+ forms many NADH (electron carriers like NADPH in photosynthesis) to be used later
  • Aerobic Cellular Respiration
    • 3 steps in Aerobic CR
    • Krebs Cycle
    • Pyruvic acid molecules from glycolysis enter the mitochondria and start the Krebs Cycle reaction
    • Happens in the matrix of the mitochondria
    • Pyruvic acid forms and releases carbon dioxide (CO2)
    • Makes just 2 ATP molecules
    • IMPORTANT: Makes MANY more high energy electron carrier (NADP and FADH2) for making a lot of ATP in the final step
  • Aerobic Cellular Respiration
    • 3 steps in Aerobic CR
    • Electron Transport Chain
    • After the Krebs Cycle all the high-energy electrons stored in NADH and FADH2 are donated and passed by one protein carrier to the next in a chain. This happens in the inner membrane of the mitochondria.
    • Every pair of electrons released from NADH and FADH2 and passed through the chain creates energy to form 2 ATP molecules from ADP+
    • Oxygen is required for the chain to work and make ATP - water is formed as waste and released into the cell
  • Aerobic Cellular Respiration
    • The Totals
    • Glycolysis produces just 2 ATP molecules per molecule of glucose
    • Energy Totals in Aerobic Respiration
    • Glycolysis produces just 2 ATP molecules per molecule of glucose
    • The complete breakdown of glucose through cellular respiration, including glycolysis, results in the production of 36 molecules of ATP
  • Anaerobic Respiration (Fermentation)
    • When oxygen is not present, cells preform anaerobic respiration (A.K.A fermentation)
    • There are two types of fermentation, Lactic Acid and Alcoholic
  • Anaerobic Respiration (Fermentation)
    • Lactic Acid Fermentation
    • During strenuous exercise, muscles cannot get oxygen into the body fast enough as the need for ATP increases
    • Muscle cells switch from CR to anaerobic respiration
    • Glucose is not completely broken down and lactic acid builds up in muscles & causes "the burn" and fatigue during exercise
    • Other uses:
    • Turn cabbage into sauerkraut
    • Soybeans into soy sauce
    • Some cheeses & yogurt
  • Anaerobic Respiration (Fermentation)
    • Alcoholic Fermentation
    • Yeasts and a few other microorganisms use alcoholic fermentation
    • Forms ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide as wastes
    • This process makes alcoholic beverages like beer and wine
    • Helps bread rise (carbon dioxide gas)
  • Total Energy Gain in Anaerobic vs Aerobic Respiration
    • 1 molecule of glucose broken down and releases energy for 2 ATP and lactic acid or alcohol
    • Not a lot of ATP for one molecule of glucose (compared to aerobic = 36 ATP per glucose) which is better than no ATP!