Genome: the complete set of DNA of an organism and the mapping of gene arrangement.
Genotype: the set of genes in the DNA responsible for a particular phenotypic trait.
Phenotype: the physical expression of that trait, as a protein or physically observable characteristic.
Gene: The structural and functional unit of inheritance; a sequence of DNA carried on chromosomes and processed to produce a polypeptide.
Allele: alternative forms of a gene such as A, B, O blood types or T and t as height alleles in plants.
Dominant Allele: the allele that is expressed when it is present in a genotype; often represented by a capital letter.
Recessive Allele: the form of allele that is only expressed when it is homozygous (two of the recessive alleles are present in the genotype); often represented by a lowercase letter.
Homozygous: alleles are homozygous when they are both the same.
Heterozygous: alleles are heterozygous when they are both different.
Gene expression is the process by which information from a gene is used in the synthesis of a functional gene product (protein).
Phenotype, can be influenced by the environment including the womb, diet, climate, and disease.
Phenotypes that are not influenced by the environment include
Blood type
Cystic Fibrosis
Phenotypes that can be influenced by the environment include
Breast Cancer
Blood types - represented in humans in the phenotypes A, B, AB, or O types of blood. There is no evidence of any environmental impact on blood type; therefore this phenotype is totally inherited.
Flowers - Flower color is determined by the pH of the soil. pH effects the availability of other ions in the soil and these ions are responsible for the color change.