Coordination & control

Cards (14)

  • organisms respond to changes in environment (stimulus)
  • a coordinated response requires stimulus, receptor, and effector
  • homeostasis is the maintenance of constant internal environment
  • a temperature of 37 (enzymes), water balance for osmoregulation, and glucose concentration are things that are homeostasised
  • negative feedback loop:
    A) change
    B) corrective
  • shivering is muscles rapidly contracting and relaxing to generate heat
  • hair stands up to trap a layer of warm air to insulate, and happens because erector muscles in the skin contract
  • when it's hot hair lies flat to trap less air
  • respiration increases when you're cold because it generates heat
  • sweating occurs because water in it evaporates, cooling the body
  • when does vasodilation occur?
    when it's hot
  • vasoconstriction loses to less heat lost due to the amount of blood flowing near skin being less.
  • vasodilation allows for more heat loss as more of the blood is flowing near skin
  • nervous vs. endocrine system:
    neurones vs. secretory cells
    electrical impulses vs. hormones
    nerve fibres (axons & dendrons) vs. blood plasma
    very quickly vs. more slowly
    short time vs. may last longer