Structural Engineering Construction involves the study of the behavior of structures under load.
Actual displacement is measured by a seismometer.
Center of rigidity is the point through which the resultant of the resistance to the applied lateralforce acts.
Center of mass is the point through which the applied seismic and vertical force acts.
Column is a structural member with the ratio of its unsupported height to its least lateral dimension of not less than 3 and is used primarily to support axial load.
Corbel is a short edge beam projecting from a column to support a weight.
Creep is the phenomenon where a structure continues to deform until a sudden fracture occurs after being subjected to a load for a long period of time.
Ductility refers to the ability of a material to deform in the plastic range without breaking.
Elasticity refers to the property of a material which makes it return to its original dimension when the load is removed.
Eccentricity is the distance between the center of rigidity and center of mass.
Fatigue is the phenomenon where a structure is subjected to a cycle of stresses and causes the beam to have sudden ultimate structure.
Focal depth describes the location of the earthquake besides the epicenter.
Homogenous means the material has the same composition at every point but the elastic may not be the same in all directions.
Hookes Law states that stress is proportional to the strain within the elastic region.
Isotropic means the material has the same elastic properties in all directions.
Kinetic Friction is a retarding force acting opposite in motion.
Magnitude of earthquake is measured by the Richter scale.
Young's Modulus is the constant of proportionality that defines the linear relationship between stress and strain.
Resonance refers to the large amplitude vibration of an object or system when given impulses at its natural frequency.
Story Drift is the displacement of one level relative to the level above or below.
TorsionalShear Stress occurs when the center of mass and rigidity do not coincide.
Resilience refers to the ability of a material to absorb energy in the elastic range.
Static refers to the force generated by a body at rest.
Pre tensioning is the process of stressing high strength steel wires before concrete hardens.
Post tensioning is the process of stressing high strength steel after the concrete has been cast and has attained sufficient strength.
Reciprocal of deflection refers to the rigidity of a structure.
Soft Story is a building in which the lateral stiffness is less than 70 percent of the stiffness of the story above.
Toughness refers to the ability of a material to absorb energy in the plastic range.
Reciprocal of stiffness refers to flexibility of a structure.
Resultant determines whether the body will be in equilibrium or will have a varying state of motion.
Poisson's Ratio is the deformation of axially loaded members, the ratio of the lateral to the longitudinal strain is constant.
Plasticity is a condition that when there is already a permanent deformation, it continues to deform when a minimal load is applied beyond the elastic.
Yielding is when the material deforms considerably even with a slight increase in stress.
Relaxation is the loss of stress that takes place with the passage of time as concrete is held at a constant strain.
Orthotropic means the composite material exhibits elastic properties in one direction different from that of the other two.
Point of inflection means point of zero moment. A point where a curve changes its curvature
Structural Engineering and Construction include the branches of Statics and Dynamics.
Statics is a branch of mechanics which studies the effects and distribution of forces of rigid bodies which are and remain at rest.
Friction is a contact resistance by one body when the second body moves or tends to move past the first body.
Strain energy is energystored in a material due to its deformation.