Xylem are made of dead cells joined together by lignin. which strengthens the material to allow the flow of water
The phloem are made of elongated cells with small pores in the end walls to allow flow
Phloem transports food substances (mainly sucrose) made in leaves for the rest of the plant for immediate use or storage
The phloem flow is a process called translocation which requires energy from respiration. The phloem transportation goes both ways ( up and down)
When plant has lots of water, the guard cell is well hydrated, causing it to become turgid, meaning that the gap between the guard cell widens, allowing more CO2 to diffuse through
If there is less water, guard cell becomes flaccid as water moves out of it through osmosis, meaning the gap between the guard cell closes to allow conservation of water vapour and no longer take in CO2
The phloem is designed in sections called the phloem tube and has pores that enable movement of cell sap
Cell sap is a liquid mixture of water and sugar, the sugar can be used immediately or stored
The phloem allows flow in both ways and has thinner walls than the xylem walls
Xylem doesn’t have sections and is strengthened by lignin.
Xylem transports both water and mineral ions from roots to leaves for photosynthesis
A steadystream of water in xylem is a transpiration stream
The movement of water is only onewayupwards in the xylem
What is the difference between the structure of the xylem and phloem?
The xylem is a continuous tube and is thicker compared to the phloem that has sections