was seen as evil in the north, but in the south was regarded as essential for tobacco and cotton industy
Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860 and wanted to keep the union from breaking up
Lincoln promised southern states that slavery would continue to be legal where it already existed.
At first, northern states only wanted to keep slavery from spreading, however gradually wanted it abolishing totally
the north and south were also divided due to the demand of a tax on imported goods from the American manufacturing industry which was based largely in the north.
southern states saw this demand for tax as an infringement on their rights, and they threatened to secede from the union
slave-owning states began to feel under threat by the unrest among slaves, so gradually 7 states broke from the union and formed the Confederate States of America
These 7 states were, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, South Carolina and Texas
Southern attacked Fort Summer in South Carolina which was held by Northern Union states, after which Lincoln denounced the Confederate states as rebels.
in reaction to this, 4 more states broke away, including, Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas and Tennessee
War ended in confederate surrender in April 1865 - slavery was abolished a few years later
much of southern states lay in ruins, which Lincoln hoped to 'bind up the souths wounds'
Lincoln was assassinated a few days after the surrender by John Wilkes Booth, an actor with deep hatred for the union
The treatment of the south was very harsh and it took a long time to recover with slavery being abolished.
the southerners defeat was exploited by northerners moving in