Scene 11

Cards (3)

  • Stella: "I couldn't believe her story and go on living with Stanley."
    Eunice: "Don't ever believe it. Life got to go on..."

    Stella is choosing to live under the illusion that Eunice supports, as it is the most practical decision. She has given birth to Stanley's baby, there is no easier option for the single new-mother in this 1940s New America.
  • "And I'll be buried at sea sewn up in a clean white sack and dropped overboard - at noon - in the blaze of summer - and into an ocean as blue as my first lover's eyes" - Blanche

    Blanche speaks about her death, the white to symbolise her purity, and she remembers Allan even at the very end. His presence is always felt by Blanche.
  • [Blanche rushes past him into the bedroom. Lurid reflections appear on the wall in odd, sinuous shapes. The 'Varsouviana' is filtered into weird distortion, accompanied by the cries and noises of the jungle. Blanche seizes the back of a chair as if to defend himself]
    Even at the end, Blanche is haunted by the Polka and, of course the primitive trauma she underwent at the hands of Stanley. They have all amalgamated in her mind to create the current state of instability and chaos. This is reflected by the accompanying music.