Cards (38)

  • - allows multicellular organisms to grow- reproduce and create identical copies of themselves- repair damaged or dead cells in multicellular organisms
    why do cells divide
  • reproduction

    a process amonglife forms to make a new organismform one or two organism• Asexual and Sexual reproduction
  • binary fission

    A form of asexual reproduction in single-celled organisms by which one cell divides into two cells of the same size
  • cell replacement
    Wound healing involves growth of newcells out of cell division.
  • cell division
    occurs in the red bonemarrow of your bones (in ribs,breastbone, vertebrae, and hips) tocontinuously make new red blood cells to replace the dying ones.
  • chromosomes
    where the DNA a double-stranded molecule istightly coiled.-A long, continuousthread of DNA iswounded togetherby histones.
  • chromatin
    a macromolecule thatcontains loose DNA, protein, andRNA.
  • chromatid
    refers toeach strand of theduplicated chromosomes
  • sister chromatids
    are held together bycentromere.
  • telomeres

    contain repeated nucleotides that donot translate into traits. They prevent the loss of genes.
  • cell cycle
    1. Interphase2. Mitosis3. Cytokinesis
  • interphase
    Gap 1, Synthesis, Gap 2- Cells carry outtheir normal functions.• The growth period in the cellcyle.
  • Gap 1
    Cells carry out normalmetabolic functions- increase in size as cell organellesincrease in number- embryonic cell divide rapidly- cells spend most of their life cycle inthis phase though length differs* Cells haverequired size limitprevent the cell from starting the Sstage, until a growth-promoting signal hasbeen received
  • synthesis
    dna replicationmakes copies of chromosomesproduce a copy of microtubules for cell organization
  • gap 2
    caqrry out normal functionsundergo further growthhas a critical checkpoint to check cell size and dna duplication checkpoint verifies that the cells DNAhas been copied before mitosis can occur
  • mitosis

    cell is active and full of activity.• Involves division of nucleus• Hereditary materials of the parent cell is given to thedaughter cells.• 4 parts - Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase
  • cytokinesis
    - division of the cytoplasm.• -begins early during telophase and continues afterthe nuclei have formed in the daughter cells.- division of the cytoplasm- CLEAVAGE FURROW IN ANIMAL CELLS- FORM CELL PLATE IN PLANT
  • prokaryotic cells

    divide morerapidly than eukaryotic cells becausethey lack membrane-boundorganelles and cytoskeleton.
  • prophase
    first and longest phase of mitosis, during which the chromosomes become visible and the centrioles separate and take up positions on the opposite sides of the nucleus. spindle fibers assemble
  • metaphase

    The spindle fibers attachto the kinetochore of thesister chromatids tofacilitate the movementof chromosomes toward• the middle of the cell.Chromosomes lineup along theequatorial plane.
  • anaphase
    Cohesion breaksdown and the sisterchromatids separatefrom each other.• Spindle fibers shortenand pull the sisterchromatids to theopposite ends of thecell.
  • telephase
    • Two complete sets ofidentical chromosomesare now positioned ateach pole of the cell.Telophase: Reformationof Nuclei• Microtubule and spindlefiber disintegrates.• Nuclear membranereforms.• Chromosomes becomeless condensed.
  • Contact Inhibitions, Anchorage dependence, growth factors
    external factors
  • contact inhibition
    cells stop dividing when they touch one another
  • anchorage dependence
    cells only grow if surface is available and stop dividing when detached from the culture dish
  • growth factors
    stimulate cell division by activating specific genes to trigger cell growth
  • kinases cyclins, checkpoints, maturation
    internal factors
  • kinases and cyclins
    help cells advance to different stages of the cell cycle
  • kinase
    an enzyme thattransfers aphosphate groupfrom onemolecule to thetarget molecule.• help control cellcycle
  • checkpoints
    prevent cell from proceeding to next stage util all requirements are met (e.g. g1 g2)
  • maturation

    triggers the cells to pass through g2 checkpoint to undergo mitosis
  • apoptosis
    • The orderly programmed cell deathor suicide.• The body's way to eliminate cellsthat are no longer functioning.• It occurs when the internal orexternal signals activate the genesresponsible for producing self-destructive enzymes.
  • cancer
    • Refers to a group of diseasescharacterized by uncontrolledand abnormal cell division due toa disruption in the cell cycle.• Cancerous cells dividecontinuously forming tumors.• Tumors are either benign (harmless) or malignant (toxic).
  • benign

    clustered together, harmless or not, curable
  • malignant
    break away or metastasize; can be transported through the bloodstream and transfer to other body parts.
  • oncogenes
    accelerate the cell cycle; carried by viruses
  • carcinogens

    chemicals that cause develipment of cancers