Soil erosion

Cards (13)

  • Soil formation and soil erosion are in dynamic equilibrium
  • Soil formation:
    Rocks -> regolith -> Soil
    Organic matter -> humus -> Soil
    Soil = regolith + humus + air + water + biota
  • Vegetation
    • Vegetation increases interception which reduces the kinetic energy of the raindrops, reducing rainsplash.
    • Vegetation root binds the soil, keeping it together and reducing erosion.
    • It acts as a windbreak that reduces wind blow
    • It adds dead organic matter to the soil, increasing soil formation
    • Vegetation means leaf litter which reduces rainsplash and adds humus to the soil
  • High infiltration rates
    • High infiltration rates decreases surface run-off because water does not build up on the surface
  • Soil organic matter
    • Soil organic matter takes in water which decreases surface run-off. It also holds soil together.
  • Environmental impacts:
    • Loss of nutrients - washed or blown away means decreased fertility and decreased crop growth
    • Desertification - Global climate change means low rainfall, soil erodes to the point where it can't hold water - no plants can grow
    • Air pollution - atmospheric particulates cause diming, decreasing photosynthesis and causing respiratory issues
    • Turbidity increases - murky + dark water decreases photosynthesis and increases water treatment required. Sediment builds up = flooding
    • Flooding - rivers overflow and banks are eroded
    • Landslides - subsidence and collapsing of soil
  • Human impacts on soil erosion:
    • vegetation removal - deforestation
    • Overgrazing - too many/much livestock
    • Ploughing - breaks up peds
    • Reducing soil biota - via pesticides
    • Soil compaction - livestock and machinery
    • Cultivating steep slopes
  • Human impacts on soil erosion
    Vegetation removal:
    e.g deforestation for building materials, farmland or mineral mines
    • Decreased interception
    • soil exposed to increased rainsplash.
    • decreased infiltration = increased runoff.
    • decreased wind barriers = increased wind blow
    • Decreased root binding the soil = increased erosion
    • Decreased leaf litter = decreased soil formation
  • Human impacts on soil erosion
    e.g too many/much livestock
    • eating at a rate that doesn't allow vegetation to recover
    • This leads to decreased vegetation
    • decreased interception = increased rainsplash
    • decreased root binding = increased erosion
    • decreased windbreaks = increased wind blow
    • decreased leaf litter = decreased soil formation
  • Human impacts on soil erosion
    Breaking up peds
    • Soil is less dense so it is easily carried away by wind blow and surface run-off
  • Human impacts on soil erosion
    Reducing soil biota:
    Pesticides kill biota
    • Decreased decomposition = decreased soil formation
    • Decreased earthworms = decreased aeration of soil = decreased infiltration = increased surface run-off
  • Human impacts on soil erosion
    Soil compaction:
    Due to heavy machinery and livestock around a waterhole
    • Decreased gaps in the soil = decreased infiltration = increased surface run-off
  • Human impacts on soil erosion
    Cultivation steep slopes:
    • Gravity increases surface run-off
    • Increased ploughing/compaction/overgrazing/ or decreased vegetation = increased wind blow