Analysis techniques

Cards (5)

  • Soil texture analysis - sedimentation
    • Add water to soil in a measuring cylinder
    • Stir
    • Allow soil to settle into separated layers of clay, silt and sand
    • Measure the amount of each component
    • Work out the percentages of sand, silt and clay
    • use a soil triangle to calculate the type of soil
    • Sand is at the bottom, then silt, then clay on top
  • Soil texture analysis - sieve
    • Find the mass of each sieve section without soil
    • add dry soil sample to assembled sieve
    • shake soil sieve
    • Weigh separate parts of the sieve containing sand, silts and clay.
    • Work out the mass of each texture type. mass of sieve and soil - mass of sieve without soil
    • Work out the percentage of each texture
    • Use a soil triangle with the percentages to find the soil type.
    Increase the accuracy of the data by calibrating the weighing scale
  • Soil temperature analysis
    • use a thermometer
    • stick it in the ground and read it
  • Soil pH analysis
    • use a universal indicator
    • Compare to colour chart
  • Soil water content analysis
    • weigh crucible
    • weigh soil sample
    • Heat to 100 degrees C so the water evaporates
    • Reweigh dry soil to calculate mass difference which is the water mass
    • Water mass / total mass x100 = percentage of water