Origins of American Gov't

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  • Niccolo Machiavelli wrote The Prince
  • Thomas Hobbes wrote Leviathan
  • John Locke wrote the Second Treatise of Government
  • Baron de Montesquieu wrote The Spirit of the Laws
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote Second Discourse
  • What did Locke write
    Second Treatise of Government
  • Machiavelli believed:
    ~people obey through punishment
    ~Monarchy is the best government for total power
  • Hobbes believed:
    ~State of Nature: Survival of the fittest (chaos/anarchy)
    ~People Need protection
    ~Social Contract: between the gov't and people cannot be broken
    ~People give up their freedom to get protection from the gov't
    ~Monarchy is the best type of gov't for his philosophy
  • Locke believed:
    ~Natural Rights-life, liberty, property were inalienable
    ~Consent of the govern - people approved gov't
    ~Social Contract-can be negated by the people if they feel their rights are being taken. It CAN be broken.
  • Montesquieu beliefs:
    ~Aristocratic Republic- representatives because of social class/wealth
    ~Democratic Republic- representatives by vote
    ~Popular Sovereignty- people are in charge
    ~Limited Gov't- gov't cannot do whatever it wants
    ~Rule of Law- gov't must follow law
    ~Checks and Balances- gov't limits itself
  • Rousseau beliefs:
    ~Direct Democracy
    ~ruled by people
    ~Majority Rule
    ~everyone gets imput
  • What philosopher believed in DIrect Democracy?
  • What philosopher believed in an Aristocratic Republic?
  • What philosopher believed in Democratic Republic?
  • What philosopher believed in Popular Sovereignty?
  • What philosopher believed in limited government?
  • What philosopher believed in Natural, inalienable rights?
  • What philosopher believed in consent of the governed?
  • What philosopher believed in a social contract that could be broken?
  • What philosopher believed the people had to give up their rights to receive protection from the government?
  • What philosopher believed state of nature was anarchy and chaos?
  • What philosophers believed monarchy was the best type of government for their philosophy?
    Machiavelli and Hobbes
  • What philosopher believed in a social contract that could not be broken?
  • What philosopher believed you should rule through fear to keep power?