Integration - nervous system processes the sensory input and decides what should be done about it.
Motor Output - The response that occurs when your NS activates certain parts of your body.
The nervous system is our control center.
The Nervous System is sophisticated highly integrated, and is organized in multi-levels.
Forebrain- is important for the planning and execution of movements, sensory processing, regulating sleep wake states and behavioral responses to emotions such as stress and fear.
Midbrain- is the smallest portion of the brainstem, but important structure plays
a crucial role in processing visual and auditory signals. It involves movement of the body and head.
Hindbrain- controls the body's vital functions such as respiration and heart rate.
· Relay center for incoming sensory information.
It is known as relay center because it performs relaying of motor and sensory signals to the cerebral cortex. THALAMUS
Regulates basic biological needs: hunger, thirst, temperature control; MASTER CLOCK
It is a small area in the center of the brain. It helps produce hormones that regulate heart rate, body temperature, hunger, and sleep- wake cycle. HYPOTHALAMUS
Involved in sensing, thinking, learning, emotion, consciousness, and voluntary movement.
It initiates and coordinates movement and regulates temperature. Other areas of the cerebrum enable to speech, judgment, thinking, reasoning. Problem solving, emotions and learning. CEREBRUM
control a variety of basic functions relating to emotion, learning, memory, pleasure, and self-preservation; includes the amygdala and hippocampus.
Bridge of fibers passing information between the two cerebral hemispheres.
To serve as a conduit allowing information to transmit from one side of the brain to the other. CORPUS CALLOSUM
Left side of the body = right
Right side of the body = left
your left hand is controlled by your right hemisphere
Protecting the Brain
The blood-brain barrier
Protecting the Brain-Skull as Physical protection
Only water, certain gases (e.g., oxygen), and lipid-soluble substances can easily diffuse across the barrier (other necessary substances like glucose can be actively transported across the blood-brain barrier with some effort). true
Responsible, for sophisticated, uniquely human information processing.
parietal lobe - body sensation
occipitallobe - vision
temporal lobe - hearing and advanced visual processing
frontal lobe - cognition, recent memory, planning of movement, and some aspects of emotion
Limbic system structure involved in emotion and aggression; EMOTIONAL PROCESSING
Limbic system structure involved in learning and memory; MEMORY PROCESSING
PITUITARY GLAND “Master" gland that regulates other endocrine glands center of human sexuality & reproduction.
Coordinates fine muscle movement, balance.
fast eye movements called saccades
cerebellum - It is Latin for little brain
cerebellum - vital for the control of very rapid movements:
- running
- talking
Connects all parts of the CNS: cerebral cortex, cerebellum, & the spinal cord
brainstem - Both send information to and receive "orders" from the brain.
& It is where the cranial nerves are located
3 Main Parts of brain stem
2. Pons
3. Medulla Oblongata
· relays information from the eyes and ears
· controls eye movement and reflexes
· wakes us up from our sleep
· Pons integrates information from inner ear (sense of balance); Involved in sleep and dreaming; Facial sensitivity.
the middle section of the brain stem
pons - it is where the cerebellum is attached to the brain