Cards (6)

  • Bowles and Gintis - Correspondence principle
    Obedience, organisation and passivity. Corresponds to good grades which corresponds to being an effective worker for bourgeoisie
  • The hidden curriculum
    transmission of ruling class ideology
    taught in school, covertly hidden as school ways and values
    tell working class how to behave in capitalist society
  • Louis Althusser
    The education system is a Repressive State Apparatus transmitting ruling class ideology to keep the working class down
  • Althusser
    ISA - Ideological state apparatus
    bourgeoisie maintain class divide and keep working class in false class consciousness through ISA
  • Myth of meritocracy
    no such thing as fair system of achievement
  • Paul Willis
    Working class lads have a "laff" to consciously reject school rules, but their behaviour led to their secured position in the working class