Reasoning patterns

Cards (9)

  • Steps towards a model :
    1. Define the concepts/variables of interest
    2. Model the (causal) dependency structure between these variables
  • (CPDs)
    Unconditional probabilities are associated with variables without parents.
    Conditional probabilities for variables that depend on parents variables.
  • Each row in a table (of CPDs) is a conditoinal probability distribution
  • Reading CPDs
    A) Unconditional probabilities
    B) Unconditional probabilities
    C) Conditional probabilities
    D) Conditional probabilities
    E) Conditional probabilities
  • A probalistic query involes computing the Conditional Probability Distribution (CPD) P(XE=e)=P(X | E = e ) =P(Xe) P(X | e)
    "Given that we observed the specific values e of the variable E, what are the probailities for the different value combinations of the X"
  • Causal Reasoning or Prediction
    reasoning from causes to effects ("downwards" in the network)
  • Evidential Reasoning or Explanation
    Reasoning from effects/obsedrvations to possible causes ("upwards" in the network)
  • Intercausal Reasoning
    a.k.a "Explaining Away", one causal factor gives us infromatin about another causal factor
  • Reasoning with Bayesian Networks
    • A reasoning algorithm can dervie every consequence that follow from any cmobination of given information
    • No notion of cause and effect needed : dependencies in a network can be modelled in anrbitrary directions