Semantics of BNs

Cards (17)

  • X,Y,Z in X
    X and Y are conditionally independent given Z (XYZ)(X \bot Y | Z) if :
    • forall avlues x in Val(X) (same for ,y,z) : P(xy,z)=P(x|y,z) =P(xz) P(x|z)
    • equivalent to : P(X,YZ)=P(X,Y|Z) =P(XZ)P(YZ) P(X|Z) P(Y|Z)
  • (LD,I,S)(L \bot D, I, S)
    Is L completely independant of the other variables
  • L is conditionally independent of D,I,S given G, but not marginally independant
    SO (LD,I,SG)but(L⊥̸D,I,S)(L \bot D,I,S | G) but (L \not \bot D,I,S)
  • SAT is conditionally independant of D,G,L given I
  • (G⊥̸LI,D)(G \not \bot L | I,D)
    G is not independant of L event if we know I and D, Knowledge of L helps us to better guess G even if we know I and D
  • G is conditionally independant of S, given I and D

    D and I are independant
  • Given the values of its parents, a variable X is independent from all other
    variables in the network that are not its children and, more generally, its
  • information about X’s descendants can change our belief about X
    (via an evidential reasoning process)
  • X’s parents “shield” X from causal influences further up in the network
  • In a Bayesian Network, every variable is conditionally independant of all its non-descendants, given tis parents
  • A Bayesian Network Structure G is a directly acyclic graph whose nodes represent a set of random variables X = {X1, ..., Xn} Given a structure G, the following conditional independencies hold :
    (XiNonDesc(Xi)Pa(Xi)),XiX(X_i \bot NonDesc(X_i) | Pa(X_i)) , \forall X_i \in X
  • In a Bayesian Network, every variable is condtionally independant of all its non-descendants, given its parents
  • If the network graph correctly represents the conditional independencies in
    the joint distribution P over X , then this full joint distribution P can be
    reconstructed from products of the local CPDs
  • P(X1,...,Xn)=P(X_1, ... , X_n) =Πi=1nP(XiX1,...Xi1)= \Pi_{i=1}^{n} P(X_i | X_1, ... X_{i-1}) =Πi=1nP(XiPa(Xi)) \Pi_{i=1}^{n} P(X_i | Pa(X_i))
    • The CPDS jointly define a full probability distribution over the variable space X.
    • This full joint distribution can be represented as a product of the CPDs
  • A Bayesian Network B is a BN structure graph G where each node X_i is assocaited with a set of CPDs P(XiPa(Xi)P(X_i | Pa(X_i)

    • P factorises over network structure G
    • A BN is a factorsied representation of the joint distribution over X
    • Each CPD table is called a factor
  • Reconstructing the Joint Distributino
    A) D
    B) I
    C) G | D, I
    D) S|I
    E) L|G
  • THe Full Joint Distribution P(X1,...,XN)P(X_1, ... , X_N) over X
    • has 2N2^N entries
    • 2N12^N -1 independent parameters