Cards (12)

  • Representing the Full Joint explicitly (e.g., in the form of a table) is
    infeasible for reasonably large worlds X
  • Representation the Full Joint explictily is infeasible for reasonable large world X
  • Assume that the network is sparsely connected in that each variable has at most kNk \leq N parents, where k is a fixed constant :
    • Each r ow in the CPD table of a variable X_i requires 1 number
    • If X_i has k parents, the CPD of X_i has 2^k rows
    • all the CPDS together require less then NN *2k 2^k numbers
    • for a fixed k, O(N) --> lineair in N
    • exponential reduction in complexiti from O(2^N) to O(N) if k <= N
  • Example
    A) 2x2x3x2x2
    B) 48-1
    C) 1+1+8+3+2
  • To construct a Bayesian Network, we need to do 3 things :
    1. Decide on the random variables to be used, and their values/domains
    2. Specfiying the structure of the network
    3. Specifiy the CPDs for each node
  • CPDs
    Conditional probaility distributions
  • Continuous systems and variables solutions:
    1. Discretisation
    2. Work with continuous variables and CPDs
  • Discretisation
    Split the domain of a variable into a fixed number of intervals and represent each continuous value by the label of its interval
  • Discretisation
    • all iof our reperensentation/reasoning is directly applicable
    • loss of information
    • complexity
  • SOLUTION 2: Work with continuous variables and CPDs :
    • Permit continuous random variables X with Val(X)RVal(X) \subseteq R
    • Model CPDs as continuous density functions p(X | Pa(X))

    ! need to define an infinite number of conditional distributions !
  • Linear Gaussian Bayesian Network is a BN all of whose variables are
    continuous, and where all of the variables have Linear Gaussian Models.
  • Let Y be a continuous variable with continuous parents X1, . . . , Xk .
    We say that Y has a Linear Gaussian Model if there are parameters
    β0, β1, . . . , βk and σ2 such tha
    A) B1x1
    B) o^2
    C) B0 + B.T x
    D) o^2