non-legislative methods

Cards (6)

  • 1 - meeting and talking - is arranged between the employer and employers - HR manager represent the employer and shop steward might represent the employees - they discuss the issue and try to resolve the problem
  • 2 - Negotiation - both parties meet and bargain with each other - they make offers and counter-offers until a compromise is reached that is acceptable to both sides
  • 3 - conciliation - the dispute is referred to an independent conciliator who listens to both sides of the dispute - the conciliator tries to get both sides to come to an agreed solution
  • 4 - Mediation - an independent mediator hears both sides of the dispute and outlines how they think the problem should be resolved - Mediation encourages the employer and employees to solve the dispute together
  • 5 - arbitration - an independent arbitrator listens to both parties in the dispute and makes a decision on how the problem should be resolved. This recommendation is not legally binding and can be rejected by one or both parties
  • non-legislative methods - meeting and talking - negotiation - conciliation - mediation - arbitration