define personality: characteristic matter of thinking, feeling and behaving that is unique to each individual, and remains relatively consistent over time + situations
With psychodynamic theory, freud described the three regions of the MIND as:
Conscious mind
Unconscious mind
Psychodynamic theory
the conscious mind from psychodynamic theory is: your current awareness, containing everything you are aware of right now
the unconscious mind from psychodynamic theory is: a much more vast + powerful but inaccessible part of your consciousness, operating without your conscious endorsement / will to influence + guide your behaviours
the psychodynamic theory proposed by signmund freud is: psychic / instinctive energy moves among the conscious + unconscious structures of the personality called Id, Ego, and Superego
define ego: attempts to balance that pleasure needs of the Id + the rules/demands of society of the Superego
define Id: represents a collection of basic biological drives, including those directed toward sex + aggression
define superego: internalization of morality; conscience
with the iceberg metaphor there are 3 levels:
Conscious (ideas, thoughts, and feelings of which we are aware)
Preconsciousness (material that can be easily recalled such as Ego + Superego)
Unconscious (well below the surface of awareness such as Id)
define defense mechanism: protective behaviours + strategies the ego uses to reduce / avoid anxiety (this is caused by the imbalance of superego and id)
all the defense mechanism are the following:
reaction formation
define the 'denial' defence mechanism: refusing to acknowledge unpleasant info
define the 'displacement' defence mechanism: redirecting an impulse toward a more neutral substitute target
define the 'sublimation' defence mechanism: transforming unacceptable impulses into socially acceptable / even pro-social alternatives
define the 'identification' defence mechanism: unconsciously assuming the characteristics of a more powerful person in order to reduce feelings of anxiety / negative feelings about the self (also known as Introjection)
define the 'projection' defence mechanism: perceiving in other people the qualities that you don't want to admit to possessing yourself
define the 'rationalization' defence mechanism: justify difficult / unacceptable feelings with seemingly logical reasons + explanations
define the 'reaction formation' defence mechanism: goes beyond denial of an impulse + consciously behaves in the opposite way to which they think / feel
define the 'repression' defence mechanism: keeping distressing info out of the conscious awareness by burying it into the unconscious
the 5 psychosexual stages that freud provided were the following:
the oral stage (psychosexual stage 1):
0-18 months
innate pleasure-seeking focused on actions of the mouth (sucking, chewing, swallowing)
successful outcome -> infant develops a basic sense of security and empowerment
pleasure in controlling and releasing bowels (toilet training)
successful outcome: sense of competence and confidence
unsuccessful outcome: anal retentive personality OR anal expulsive personality (OCD OR HOARDER)
the phallic stage (psychosexual stage 3):
3-6 years
libido is focused on genitals (developing complex emotions with opposite parent; rivalry, jealousy against same sex parent)
successful outcome -> form a healthy relationship with parents
unsuccessful outcome -> plagued with jealousy, preoccupied with sex, competitive and power
the latency stage (psychosexual stage 4):
libido is dominant
not much happens psychosexually here
focus on external activities (education, hobbies, hanging with friends)
fixation doesn't happen at this stage
the genital stage (psychosexual stage 5):
marked by onset of puberty
should know how to handle libido / pleasures
if you fixated at any previous stages, you have underdeveloped personalities
humanistic theory suggests that people are basically good. (we should focus on how people are trying to do good instead of the dark side)
define self-actualization: maximizing their full potential
there 2 types of basic needs:
need for self-actualization
need for positive regard
then there are 2 others' responses:
unconditional positive regard
conditional positive regard
based on that, there are 2 possible outcomes:
self actualization
self discrepancies
there are two different types of trait theories:
the big 5 factor model
the dark triad / tetrad
the big 5 traits are:
the dark triad is:
the dark tetrad is:
dispositional sadism
the term 'openness' in the big 5 is best known for: being open to new ideas OR being intelligent, creative
the term 'conscientiousness' in the big 5 is best known for: being responsible, planning, organization
the term 'extraversion' in the big 5 is best known for: being assertive as well as talkative, outgoing, active
the term 'agreeableness' in the big 5 is best known for: avoiding conflict, having relatability, empathy, trusting, understanding, compliant
the term 'neuroticism' in the big 5 is best known for: being volatile, anxious, self-conscious, insecure, and anxious
the term 'machiavellianism' in the dark triad/tetrad is best known for: cunning, deceptive, exploitive and manipulative
the term 'narcissism' in the dark triad/tetrad is best known for: overly positive view of self, extreme sense of superiority and entitlement, and having a big ego
the term 'psychopathy' in the dark triad/tetrad is best known for: high impulse, thrill seeking, low empathy, self + anti-social behaviour