Behavioral #1

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  • The central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior
  • The peripheral nervous system consists of nervous tissue and fibers outside the CNS Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior
  • The part of the nervous system that is responsible for fight / flight is the sympathetic nervous system Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior
  • The part of the nervous system that is responsible for rest / digest is the parasympathetic nervous system Remember P for Parasympathetic: "Relaxing and having a Piña colada on beach"Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior
  • Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter used to move muscles Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior
  • Endorphins & Enkephalins are neurotransmitters that are used as pain killers Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior
  • Epinephrine & Norepinephrine maintain wakefulness and mediate the fight / flight responses Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior
  • Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior
  • Testosterone and estrogen are hormones that mediate libido among other functions Testosterone is also associated with aggressive behavior
    Khan Academy Link - Estrogen Khan Academy Link - Testosterone MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior
  • The hindbrain includes the cerebellum, the medulla oblongata, and the reticular formation YouTube Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior::Brain
  • The midbrain includes the colliculi, the tegmentum, and the cerebral peduncles YouTube Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior::Brain
  • The forebrain includes the thalamus, the hypothalamus, the basal ganglia, the limbic system, and the cerebral cortex YouTube Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior::Brain
  • The thalamus is the relay station for sensory information Part of the forebrainKhan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior::Brain
  • The hypothalamus regulates homeostasis and is in charge of the 4 F's Integrates with the endocrine systemPart of the forebrainKhan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior::Brain
  • The basal ganglia controls smooths movements and helps postural stability Part of the forebrainKhan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior::Brain
  • The limbic system deals with emotions, memories, and arousal (or stimulation) Part of the forebrainKhan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior::Brain
  • The amygdala is in charge of fear and aggression Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior::Brain
  • The hippocampus regulates emotions Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior::Brain
  • The cerebral cortex is the outer layer of neural tissue of the cerebrum Four lobes:FrontalParietalTemporalOccipitalKhan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior::Brain
  • The parietal lobe is associated with touch, pressure, temp, pain, and spatial processing Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior::Brain
  • The frontal lobe is associated with executive function, impulse control, speech, and motor Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior::Brain
  • The occipital lobe is associated with vision Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior::Brain
  • The temporal lobe is associated with sound, speech perception, memory, and emotion Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior::Brain
  • The left cerebral hemisphere is associated with analytic thinking, language, logic, and math YouTube Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior::Brain MileDown::Behavioral::Language
  • The right cerebral hemisphere is associated with intuition, creativity, and spatial processing YouTube Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior::Brain
  • The rooting, moro, babinski, and grasping reflexes are examples of primitive reflexes They exist in infants and should disappear with age
    Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior
  • The rooting reflex is when an infant turns his or her head toward a stimulus Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior
  • The moro reflex is when an infant extends his or her arms in response to a falling sensation Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior
  • The babinski reflex is when an infant's big toe is extended and other toes fan out in response to brushing on sole of foot Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior
  • The grasping reflex is when an infant grabs anything put into hands Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Biology_and_Behavior
  • Projection areas are areas in the four lobes (frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital) of the brain where sensory processing occurs Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Sensation_and_Perception
  • The absolute threshold is the minimum stimulus energy that will activate a sensory system YouTube Link MileDown::Behavioral::Sensation_and_Perception
  • The threshold of conscious perception is the minimum stimulus energy that will create a signal large enough in size and long enough in duration to be brought into awareness MileDown::Behavioral::Sensation_and_Perception
  • The difference threshold is the minimum difference in magnitude between two stimuli before one can perceive the difference Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Sensation_and_Perception
  • Weber’s law states that the just noticeable difference for a stimulus is proportional to the magnitude of the stimulus Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Sensation_and_Perception
  • The cornea gathers and filters incoming light The eye's outermost layerKhan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Sensation_and_Perception::Visual
  • The iris controls the size of the pupil It is the colored part of eyeKhan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Sensation_and_Perception::Visual
  • The lens refracts incoming light to focus it on the retina Khan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Sensation_and_Perception::Visual
  • The retina is the sensory membrane that lines the back of the eye Contains rods and conesKhan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Sensation_and_Perception::Visual
  • Rods are photoreceptors in the retina that detect light / dark Contain rhodopsinKhan Academy Link MileDown::Behavioral::Sensation_and_Perception::Visual