Funda handouts

Cards (7)

  • Nursing Process is synonymous of Problem Solving approach (CBQ)
  • NURSING PROCESS Is a systematic, organized method of planning, and providing quality and individualized nursing
    care. It is synonymous with the PROBLEM SOLVING APPROACH (CBQ)
    • The term nursing process was introduced in 1955 by Lydia Hall
  • The Nursing Process consists of five major steps or phases which are Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation.
  • Unique characteristic of the Nursing Process(CBQ)
    S ystematic – ordered sequence , organized with each activity
    U niversal – applicable to any nursing situation
    I nterpersonal – Human interaction is at the heart of nursing.
    T his is client-centered, goal-directed and outcome oriented.
    E fficient and Effectiveessential
    D ynamic – steps overlap and flow
  • Unique characteristic of the Nursing Process(CBQ)
    S ystematicordered sequence , organized with each activity
  • Steps: ADPIE A=assessment D=diagnosis P=planning I=implementation E=evaluation
  • Anaerobic respiration occurs without oxygen and releases less energy but more quickly. heavy weight training, sprinting (running or cycling) and jumping