
    Cards (5)

    • What is the definition of interference?
      when one memory disturbs the ability to recall another
      • results in forgetting to distorting memory
      • more likely to occur if memories are similar
    • What is the definition of proactive interference
      when old info proactively disrupts the recall of new info
      • More similar = greater forgetfulness
      • This can occur to any memory in working memory
      e.g. calling new partner same name as ex
    • What is the definition of retroactive interference?
      when new info retroactively disrupts the recall of old info
      • More similar = greater forgetfulness
      e.g. learning new language but get confused with words from old language
    • Outline the Postman study that supports retroactive interference
      2 groups are given word pairs to memorise
      One group was given two word lists to memorise -> found it harder to recall
    • What is the serial position effect?
      Info that is learnt last/first is most prominent as STM is limited