From birth, babies and mothers spend a lot of intense pleasurable interaction. Babies have periodic 'alert phrases' signalling they're ready for interaction.
Person responds to the other and elicits a response from them. Traditional views state baby has a passive role- receiving care but baby can also have an active role
Infants as young as two weeks old were able to display the 3 facial expressions or gestures displayed by a caregiver adult. Found interactional synchrony is important for development of mother and infants
Schaffer and Emerson found majority of babies become attached at around 7 months and within a few weeks they form secondary attachments to other family members
Conducted longitudinal study of both parents' behaviour and quality of A to their teens. Quality of infant A with mothers was related to adolescence stage suggesting father A is less important
Filmed 4-month old babies with primary mother carers and primary father carers. The fathers spent more time smiling ,holding and imitating infants like moms. Behaviour appear to attachment