There is deep ice and snow that cover 98 percent of Antarcticas surface
Average temperature is -49 degree Celsius
There is low precipitation. Snow falls mostly near the coast
There is little terrestrial life due to abiotic conditions here e.g.temperature
There is abundant marine life and marine nutrients
There is a High abundance due to upwelling currents bringing nutrients up from the seabed
There are large seasonal variations in ice cover due to the temperature change
There are extreme seasonal changes such as light levels
High albedo means that most sunlight is reflected, so less energy is absorbed reducing the warming affect presenting sea level rise
70 percent of fresh water is stored as ice at the Antarctic
There are High value minerals that could be exploited
Krills feaces contain carbon this helps in carbon sequestration
Unregulated tourism can threaten wildlife through disturbance
There is a threat of humans introducing pathogens hence protective equipment is worn
There ar3 regulations with scientific research to limit the impacts of potential pollution disturbing wildlife
Ozone depletion causes a raise in UV levels this affects planktonic organiss in surface waters
Overfishing is a threat, the sea surrounding Antarctica contains many species that have been overexplouted in the past. To combat this regulations have been placed and fisheries have been closed
The Antarctica Treaty of 1959 was set up to protect Antarctica
Conservation of living organisms include fishing being regulated, fisheries are closed if overfishing occurs
Control of tourism is being done by having no accommodation, allowing a singular cruise at a time, tourists accompanied by tour guides
Waste management involves the removal of waste, ensuring sewage is only discharged into sea currents that ensure dispersal
A conservation effort is allowing no military activities
A conservation effort is allowing no resource exploitation
A rise in tmeprerature could cause potential ice melt, if this was to occur it would aid it glacier movemt and speed
Sea ice cover is increasing this may be to stronger winds, ice melting and refreezing
Limited buber of tourists prevent disturbance to wikdlife
Treatment of sewage before being released into sea protects wildlife
Trial drilling can be used to obtain samples of rock, this helps to determine ores presence and or concentrations
Lidar scanners and satellite alimentary are both remote sensing systems that can be used to estimate volume of ice in antartica