Helpslead the eye from the background to the center of the composition, allowing the viewer to appreciate the focal point
Objectscentrally placed in the composition
Arranged in a very orderlymanner, to ensureall objects are clearlyseen within the large-scalecanvas, creating a verycontrolled, neatcomposition
Focal point of objectscontained within center of composition
Elliptical arrangement used, because, the negative space of the background works as a frame around the objects in the center
Artist's objectsarranged in height order
Allows very neat, and orderly arrangement, with regards to the carefulpositioning of objects, according to their scale, allowing the viewer to clearlyidentify all objects
Media Handling/Technique/Style
An array of Benday dots
Lichtenstein used a stencil to create these areas of tone, because, of the extremelypreciseuniform-likefinish they have been given
Media Handling/Technique/Style
Large areas of bold, flat colour
Artist used big, flat brush, when applying paint, because, there is no visiblebrushstrokes, and colour looks solid
Media Handling/Technique/Style
Createspowerfulapproach, and style, because objects have been given importance, and definitionagainst the background
Visual Elements - Colour
Limitedcolour palate used
Helpscreatecomic bookstyle/child-likemood, because the bold, primary colours appear playful
Visual Elements - Colour
Fewkeyyellow-colouredobjects throughout composition
Helpscreatesimportance, because they stand out against the darker colours used within the rest of the painting
Visual Elements - Colour
Black and whiteusedthroughout the painting
Creates very stylised, and cold style, contrasting against the child-likeprimarycolours used elsewhere within the painting
Visual Elements - Line
Drapedfabric in the background
Works as directional line, leading the eye from the background to the focal point of the art objects in the center
Visual Elements - Line
Bold, heavy outlines around each object
Createscomic bookstyle, because eachobjectlooksdesigned and purposelyplaced with an un-naturaloutline
Visual Elements - Line
Soft, curved lines in the flowers
Contrasts against the geometric outlines of the man-made objects, helping the flowers in the background stand out
Visual Elements - Tone
Verysimplified, and stylisedtone
Lichtenstein has used Benday dots to make eachobject look more3D, and less flat, withoutcreating a toorealisticinterpretation of tone
Visual Elements - Tone
Light from the right-hand side, because the right-hand side of each object is left clean, and white
Indicating a strong beam of light, and the left-hand side has Benday dots, representingdarkareas of shadow
Visual Elements - Tone
Blue, and blackBenday dots
Helpsdistinguishes between differentareas of shadow, because, tone on each object is blue, and the shadowscasts on the table top are in black
Visual Elements - Texture
Large area of bold, primarycolours
Artist worked with flat brush, to prevent any visiblebrushstrokes, creating a very smooth, polishedtexture
Visual Elements - Texture
An array of blue, and blackBenday dots within painting
Createstexture in an otherwise very flat painting, while helping to demonstrateareas of darkshadow on eachobject
Visual Elements - Texture
Twodifferenttextures: Benday dots, and delicate flowers in the background
Createscontrast, and emphasises the delicacy of the organic, natural flowers, against the ordered structure of the dots
Visual Elements - Shape
Very simplifiedshapes
Artist has drawn very precise, accurateshapes, however, used limited tone to createvisual impact
Visual Elements - Shape
Majority of the paintingcontainsman-madeshapes, however right-hand side has a collection of flowers
Createscontrast between the sharpgeometric forms, and the soft, organic flowers, creating a dynamic within the painting
Visual Elements - Shape
Half tone in the form of Benday dots
Creates a comic bookstylepainting, because each form doesn't lookcompletelylifelike, however has been given the look of being 3D
Visual Elements - Pattern
Contrast in patterns, between orderedBenday dots, and softflowers in the background
Helps to clearlydistinguish the man-madeobjects, from the natural flowers, emphasising the texture of these objects
Visual Elements - Pattern
Benday dots used throughout painting
Pattern used to create tone on each of the objects, however uniformalignment of dotswork well with the cartoon-likefeel of the painting
Subject Matter/Imagery/Mood & Atmosphere
Collection of artist'sstudio objects
PaintingrepresentsLichtenstein'slife and works, because the objects he used everyday, form the basis of the theme of this painting
Subject Matter/Imagery/Mood & Atmosphere
Traditional, everydayartist studioobjectsused
Use of bright, primary colourscreateplayful approach, because, it adds interest, and a modern approach, towards very basic, simple objects
Subject Matter/Imagery/Mood & Atmosphere
Collection of very organisedlookingartist objects
Paintingarrangedspecifically, and notnaturallyset up, because all objects are in height order, helping the viewerseeeverythingclearly
Subject Matter/Imagery/Mood & Atmosphere
Playful mood within painting
Created through the use of bold, and brightprimary colours, as these recreate the style of a comic book, and these colours are associated with childhood, and innocence