Respiratory System!

Cards (73)

  • The mucous membrane (Tunica mucosa) of the trachea is composed of a lamina epithelialis, a pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium with ciliated, goblet cell, and endocrine cells from the APUD system.
  • Pars thoracica, the upper part of the mediastinum, is the location of the oesophagus.
  • The lamina muscularis mucosae of the trachea is a smooth muscle tissue that is not well developed.
  • The trachea has a microscopic structure consisting of three coats: the mucous membrane (Tunica mucosa), cartilage incomplete (C-shaped) rings (tunica fibromusculocartilaginea), and the outer connective tissue sheath (tunica adventitia).
  • The lamina propria mucosae of the trachea is a loose connective tissue with blood and lymph vessels, nerves, and lymph follicles.
  • The oesophagus is located behind the trachea, also known as carotis communis.
  • The tunica fibrocartilaginea of the trachea consists of hyaline cartilage incomplete (C-shaped) rings in the posterior part, known as pars membranacea, which is muscle.
  • Neighbour organs to the oesophagus include the arcus aortae, a carotis sin., and trbrachiocephalicus.
  • External nose consists of radix nasi, basis nasi, lateral sides, dorsum nasi, apex nasi, alae nasi, nares.
  • Bones of the external nose are formed by the apertura piriformis, ossa nasalia, maxilla, processi frontales with incisurae nasales and spina nasales anteri ores.
  • Cartilage of the external nose includes cartilago septi nasi, lamina perpendicularis ossis ethmoidales and vomer.
  • Membranous part of the external nose is formed by the connective tissue and skin.
  • Nasal cavity consists of superior, inferior, medial and lateral sides.
  • Superior part of the nasal cavity includes cartilago laterales nasi, ossa nasalia, lamina cribrosa ossis ethmoidales, os sphenoidalae.
  • Inferior side of the nasal cavity includes hard palate and soft palate.
  • Medial side of the nasal cavity includes septum nasi.
  • Lateral side of the nasal cavity includes concha nasalis superior (suprema), concha nasalis media, concha nasalis inferior, meatus nasi superior, medius et inferior, meatus nasi medius, bulla ethmoidales with processus uncinatus ossis ethmoidales, hiatus semilunaris.
  • Nasal cavity and nasopharynx are located in the infrahyoid region in front of C4,5 - C6.
  • Anteriorly, the larynx is covered by platysma and thyroid gland.
  • Behind the larynx is the laryngopharynx.
  • Sidewards, the larynx is located next to a carotis communis, n.vagus.
  • The alveoli are lined by a simple squamous epithelium with three main cellular types: respiratory alvelocytes, secretory alvelocytes, and alveolar macrophages.
  • Alveoli are tightly packed and are separated by an interalveolar septum which contains blood capillaries and connective tissue framework, elastic fibers.
  • The bronchial tree is a principal structure similar to the trachea with changes in their morphology along the bronchial tree.
  • Ciliated cells in the epithelium decrease in number along the bronchial tree.
  • The blood - air barrier is a structure through which gaseous exchange occurs and its elements include the attenuated part of the respiratory alvelocytes, the basal lamina of the alveoli, and the blood capillary basal lamina.
  • The lungs have a microscopic structure called the bronchial tree which consists of elastic fibers and lymph follicles in the connective tissue layers, well developed circular orientated smooth muscle tissue in the wall of the terminal bronchioles, and divisions of the bronchial tree, cartilage, and the mixed mucous glands disappear.
  • Goblet and endocrine cells become more numerous along the bronchial tree.
  • Clara cells, which are secretory cells, appear along the bronchial tree.
  • The respiratory part of the lungs is associated with the gaseous exchange and consists of respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts and sacs, and alveoli.
  • The larynx is made of cartilages (pair and impair, hyaline and elastic) connected by syndesmoses and joints.
  • The larynx contains muscles - proper and skeletal, striated.
  • Cartilago thyroidea is an impair, hyaline lamina dextra et sinistra prominentia laryngea incisura thyroidea sup et inf.
  • The right lung root contains 10 - 11 bronchi segmentales, while the left lung root contains 10 bronchi segmentales.
  • Tunica adventitia is the outer connective tissue sheath of the trachea and collagenous connective tissues, containing blood vessels and nerves.
  • Trachea and collagenous connective tissues are part of the trachea and collagenous connective tissues.
  • The right lung is separated into three lobes - lobus superior, medius, and inferior.
  • The facies mediastinalis of the lungs is to the mediastinum (hilus and radix pulmonis - lung root).
  • The right lung root contains branches of the pulmonary artery and vein and the left/right principal bronchus, arranged from the top downwards - bronchus, artery, and vein (BAV).
  • The lungs are a pair organ, consisting of the branches of the bronchial tree and respiratory part, entirely covered by the visceral (internal) sheath of the pleura.