The immune system is classified into the lymph vessels, which include lymph capillaries, principal lymph vessels, and main lymph vessels such as the ductus thoracicus and ductus lymphaticus dexter.
The connective tissue stroma of the organ is made by reticular type of connective tissue (reticular cells, classical macrofages, antigen presenting cells - APCs).
Lymphocytes enter and leave the lymph node parenchyma through high endothelial venules (HEVs) of the paracortical zone, T-region (lymphocyte homing receptors).
The spleen has a bean-shaped structure with two surfaces: upper (facies diaphragmatica) and lower (facies visceralis), two edges (margo superior, serrated, serratus) and two poles (extremitas anterior, extremitas posterior).
The spleen has a capsule outside (fibrous capsule) and from the capsule extend loose connective tissue slips (trabeculae, rich of smooth muscle cells).
The blood supply of the spleen comes from the aorta (a.lienalis, branch of the truncus coeliacus), aa.trabeculares, aa.pulpares, a.centralis, vv.trabeculares, v.lienalis, v.portae.
The white pulp of the spleen consists of bodies of Malpighii, each body of Malpighii consists of lymph follicle and central arteriole (a centralis, branch of a lienalis).
The spleen has impressions on the visceral surface from the neighbor organs: left kidney and adrenal gland, stomach, pancreas and flexura coli sinistra.
Bone marrow consists of elements such as reticular fibers, reticular cells, tissue macrophages, secretory macrophages (cytokines and growth factors like IL-1, GM-CSF, GCSF), and extracellular matrix rich in GAGs.
The thymus has elements of the defense barrier: endothelial cells of the blood capillary, basal lamina of the blood capillary, basal lamina of the epithelial like cells of the stroma, epithelial like cells of the stroma.