Napoleon had to maintain high taxation due to war costs, kept the contributionland tax (provided most of the government's revenue).
During the consulate, Napoleon also carried out a personal property tax on servants. However, this was difficult to collect and didn't produce much.
Direct taxes continued, Napoleon always sought to increase revenue.
1807, new land register. Measured land value and recalculated tax, fairer but only a fifth of the country were assessed by 1815.
Any improvement of tax assessment were offset by armymaintenance costs, government relied on indirect tax of alcohol, salt etc.
Better organisation, Year VIII set up a commission for the responsibility of state revenue and expenditure.
The stability of Napoleon's position demanded more from French finance reform, declarations for the only legal tender being metal coinage and refusing agreements paid with paper money.
January 1800 - Bank of France established.
Bank of France's (1800) primary purpose to control currency of gold and silver coins - boosted the economy and meant Napoleon could inflict interest on loans.
The Minister of the interior was brought in to stabilise the damaged economy:
Bureau of Statistics
Industry Encouragement Socieites
Chambers of Commerce
Wood industry saw an alleged increased yield of 400% exported, silk also rose in value from 26 million to 64 million francs by 1812.
Agriculture remained the largest sector of French economy, more large landowners emerged but much of France was still owned by small peasants.
Divisions of farms between sons due to the civilcode brought issues, and people feared improving their land in the risk of an increase in rent.
Government encouraged cotton growth, reduce dependence on foreign exports that were disrupted by the war. Prefects reported favourable on the state of agriculture, dubious statistics on butter exports.
The war stimulated armament production, labour was lost to the army so less of an internal demand for work.
Napoleon paid for wars with greater taxes, conscription at low wages, loans, land sales and raids in conquered territories.
War had a negative impact on French trade
1793 onwards, British goods banned from entering French territories
1806/1807 - Napoleon bans all French trade with Britain, continental blockade.
France had no rich class with a desire to invest in industry, the bourgeoisie had been satisfied with the biensnationaux. Communications were still poor but roads did improve, many farms were still unprofitable.
Limited economic growth after 1806.
Taxes were raised
1809 Poor harvest worsened this
By 1810, France was in severe debt and suffering from inflation
Unemployment rose, collapse of banks and businesses
Napoleon was forced to allow licensed trade with Britain in 1810 to raise funds, Britain was never damaged by the ban and Napoleon's aim to increase French trade failed.