Midterm 1

Cards (107)

  • Coronal plane - planes of the brain seen through the front
  • Sagittal plan - plane through brain as seen from the side
  • Horizontal plane - plane through brain as seen from above
  • Ipsi-lateral connection - cell communicates with cells on same side and stays on same side
  • Contra-lateral connection - cells controlling opposite side
  • Dura mater - thick outer layer immediately under (skull) bone
  • Arachnoid - spider-web-like spongey layer that is the shock absorber; Subarachnoid space is filled with CSF
  • Pia mater - pliant inner layer, conforms to brain and spine surface, includes blood vessels
  • Ventricle - structure that produces and is filled with cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)
  • Blood-brain barrier - exercises tight control over what enters brain from bloodstream; semi-permeable
  • Blood vessels - complex web of arteries(in) and veins(out) feed and cleanse brain; warm blood exits heart and cool blood returns to heart
  • Central nervous system - consists of brain and spinal cord
  • Peripheral nervous system - consists of nerves that enter/exit CNS
  • Somatic nervous system - responsible for interaction with external world (sensory motor)
  • Autonomic nervous system - regulates internal environment (controls internal organs, digestion)
  • Pons - relays info between cortex and cerebellum and between brain and spinal cord
  • Cerebellum - motor programs; organizes online sensory input to guide movement
  • Medulla oblongata - primal reflexes; keeps you alive
  • Midbrain - central structure above hindbrain; proportionally larger and more important in simpler brains
  • Tectum - part of sensory pathways to brain; Consists of superior colliculus (vision) and inferior colliculus (audition)
  • Tegmentum - controls major motor pathways
  • Thalamus - paired central structures atop midbrain; primary source of input to cerebral cortex
  • Hypothalamus - oversees "4 Fs" (feeding, fighting, fleeing, and sex); acts as internal clock and temperature regulator
  • Limbic system - Involved in motivational and emotional behavior; surrounds most of diencephalon
  • Hippocampus - important in forming new memories and active in spatial mapping
  • Amygdala - controls emotion expression and interpreting emotions
  • Cingulate Gyrus (limbic cortex) - “re-entrant” system that interacts with cortex and other limbic systems to assess good/bad; involved in deciding if something is good or bad
  • Olfactory bulb - receives input from olfactory(smell) receptors in nasal cavity; extends on stalk out of brain towards nasal cavity
  • Basal ganglia - organizes activity into tasks/goals; important in habits and routines
  • Basal Forebrain - key structures for attention and arousal of cortex
  • Cerebral cortex - outermost layer, covering most of brain; bulges called gyrus; folds called sulci or fissures (if very deep)
  • Occipital lobe - lobe that controls visual processing
  • Temporal lobe - controls higher visual audition, emotion, and language comprehension
  • Wernickes area (left hemisphere) - responsible for language comprehension
  • Parietal lobe - controls higher visual somatosensory (sensation ex. pain, warmth) processing and spatial mapping
  • Canonical cells - respond to “affordances” of object; how it can be handled/used
  • Mirror cells - respond to seeing self or others perform an action
  • Frontal lobe - has motor cortex, language production, and strategy
  • Corpus callosum - bundle of axons communicating between the two hemispheres of cerebral cortex
  • Soma - cell body