W2: The Social Sciences

Cards (13)

  • Sociology - If the perspective highlights the external influences that facilitate or constrain human actions.
    • Political Science If the perspective is on power relations and how these produce layered modalities of opportunities among social actors.
  • Anthropology - If the perspective underlines the role of cultural structures in organizing human interactions.
  • Sociology - focuses on the ubiquity
    (everywhere-ness) of social forces in unlikely forms: sex, gender, religion, class, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and the like.
  • Social forces represent a constellation of unseen yet powerful forces influencing the behavior of individuals or institutions.
    Social forces are normally in the guise of rules (written or unwritten), norms, and expectations. The influence of these three is normally taken for granted and assumed to be natural.
  • Social Map
    • It refers to a person’s specific economic and population location.
    • Lock out any possibilities of social mobility.
  • Sociological Imagination
    • “state of mind”, allows social actors to discern opportunities where there is none by converting their personal troubles into public issues.
  • Auguste Comte
    • Father of the Discipline 
    • Coined the word Sociology (1798-1857)
  • Social Fact (Social Phenomenon)
    • Sets of values, cultural norms and social structures which transcends individuals or organizations.
    • Social facts are those social forces in our environment that influence us which we cannot change or control.
  • Anthropology
     “A science seeking to uncover principles of behavior that apply to all human communities.” -American Anthropological Association
    • To an Anthropologists they are looking for “culture universal”, patterns of similarity within an array of differences.
  • Political Science - the systematic study of government and politics.
  • Social Contract - the existence of the state is to create a community from brutalities of nature where the enemy of man is another man. It requires the people to surrender a part of their rights