Intro Pharmacology

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  • Functional modifiers can alter the biochemical and physiological activities of the cell. ​Majority of drugs. ex. ​analgesic and antipyretic
  • Replenishers can supplement endogenous compounds which are insufficient. Ex. Disease hypothyroidism
  • Diagnostic agents example is dobutamine it is an agent for pharmacologic stress test. It is a B1 ​agonist
  • Chemotherapeutic agents is used to kill inhibit growth of foreign cells like pathogenic bacteria viruses fungi and cancer cells
  • What the body does to the drug, p​harmakinetics deals with adme
  • Drug dust to the body is called pharmacodynamics
  • Triiodothyronine is more potent than tetraiodothyronine
  • Thyroxine is the treatment for hypothyroidism, it undergoes isomerism to form t3 and t4.
  • Preparation of choice for isomerism of thyroxine is levothyroxine. Dextrohyroxine has 4% of the activity of the level isomer so it needs more dose