Data Collection & Sampling

Cards (21)

  • Census: measures every member of the population
  • Census advantage: accurate result
  • Census disadvantage: expensive, may destroy units you're talking about
  • Sampling units: individuals of the population
  • Sampling frame: a list of sampling units
    e.g. a list of all students in a school
  • Simple random sampling: everything has same chance of being selected
  • You can generate a simple random sampling by either using a random number generator or lottery sampling
  • Simple random sampling advantage: no bias
  • Systematic sampling:
    • take every kth unit
    • k=k=populationsample\frac{population}{sample} is how you calculate k
    • Pick a random number between 1 and k to be the starting point
  • Systematic sampling disadvantage:
    Need a frame
  • Stratified sampling:
    • the sample represents the groups (strata) of a population
    • To get group size do samplepopulationstrata\frac{sample}{population}\cdot strata for each strata and then pick randomly
  • Stratified sampling advantage: reflects the population
  • Stratified sampling disadvantage: population must have been classified by strata already
  • Quota sampling: like stratified sampling but stratas are filled by interviewer / researcher instead of picked randomly
  • Quota sampling advantage: no sampling frame required
  • Opportunity sampling is when you take advantage of what's in front of you e.g. you're outside a supermarket and pick some people to try a product
  • The quota in opportunity sampling is filled by those available at the time
  • Opportunity sampling disadvantage: unlikely to be representative
  • Qualitative data is non-numerical
  • Quantitative data is numerical
  • Quantitative data can be either discrete or continuous