Cards (6)

  • cultural Bias is the tendancy to judge all people in terms of your own cultural assumptions. This distors your judgement
  • Cultural relativism is the view that behaviour cannot be judged properly unless it is viewed in the context of culture in which it originates
  • Culture is the rule, customs, morals and way of interacting that binds together member of a society or some other collection of people
  • Ethnocentrism is the tendency to believe that one's own group is superior to others and evaluating othe groups of people using the standards of their own culture
  • Example of Cultural Relativism:
    Milgram’s study into obedience was originally conducted using 40 male American participants, but then also replicated using Spanish students (Miranda et al. found over 90% obedience rates in Spanish students) and Australian students (where only 16% of female participants continued to the highest voltage setting, as shown by Kilham and Mann). This suggests that Milgram’s original results were specifically bound to American cultures.
  • Example of cultural :
    Ainsworth’s Strange Situation is an example of cultural relativism due to suggesting that a secure attachment was only characterised by moderate separation and stranger anxiety. Therefore, German mothers, whose children showed little separation and stranger anxiety (thus being insecure-avoidant according to Ainsworth’s system), were deemed as cold and rejecting.