Movement material

Cards (8)

    • ome of the movement material seen in the first section includes:
    • rotating leaps
    • pirouettes
    • stag leaps
    • Lunge position- swings of the arms- from down by the sides to fingertips touching shoulders, with elbows held at a 90° angle and back again
    • High kicks with flexed feet and a Cunningham side tilt.
  • Direct Correlation moment- Run into 1st Jump in parallel with arms above head, then 2nd parallel jump and then jump out into a turned out fourth with arms in 2nd.  
  • Matches the staccato drum beat in the Sound Score. Links to Alston’s starting point for ‘Strong Language’ DANCE/MUSIC RELATIONSHIP
    • Dance music visualisation: Flamenco arms with finger tips closing to water sounds in the music.
  • Temp levé with arms in a 'V' facing upstage
    • Frederick Ashton ballet
    • Mutual co-existence as a 'whey' sound is heard
    • dance for dance sake
  • Step turn step jeté
    • Ashton Ballet, direct correlation and music visualisation
    • High jump, high-pitched/loud glass shattering
  • Dancers face the audience and do a high kick with flexed feet and a Cunningham side tilt.
  • Shadows: All JCT, Cyclorama lighting design (Peter Mumford)
    • Rolling heads, weighty dynamics, relaxed torsos, sweeping arm gestures.
    • Standing in attitude, pitching forward so that the nose is touching the knee of the standing leg, working leg is in attitude derrière
    • The men use the entire stage and regularly change formations; at one point, they run in a semi-circle, creating two lines of DSR and perform in unison. They quickly change places in the two lines and perform duet contact work.