Cards (5)

  • Nurture is when behaviour is a product of environmental influences
  • Nature is when behaviour is a product of innate (biological or genetic) factors
  • Examples or influence or Nurture:
    • Behaviourism
    • social Learning theory
    • other explanations
  • Examples of the influence of nature:
    Genetic explanations — The more closely related two individuals are, the more likely that they will develop the same behaviours. The concordance rate for a mental disorder such as schizophrenia is 40% for MZ twins and 7% for DZ twins. This illustrates how nature plays a part in contribution to the disorder. However, concordance rates for MZ twins are not 100%, despite being genetically identical. This suggests that nurture and the environment also plays a significant role in development.
  • Examples of the influence of nurture:
    • Social learning theoryBandura proposed that behaviour is acquired indirectly through operant and classical conditioning but also by directly through vicarious reinforcement. He acknowledged that biology had a role to play e.g. the urge to act aggressively could be biological but the way a person learns to express anger is through environmental influences (such as through observing and imitating the methods of expression of anger displayed by the identified role models).