in common sense reasoning we make some typical normal assumptions and try to draw plausible.
new information invalidates the default normality assumption
Closed World Assumption (CWA)
Complete knowledge is assume : "what is true is know to be true and visa versa" .
Some application areas :
Legal reasoning
natural language understanding
intelligent tutoring
3 main classical approaches :
Default logic
Autoepistemic logic
Default logic dsitinguishes between two kinds of knowledge :
usual first-order logic formulas (axioms/facts)
rules of thumb (defaults)
default :
birds(x) : flies(x)
if x is a bird and if it is consistent to assume that x flies , then conclude that x flies .
Default theory : pair consisting of :
a set of facts (usually incomplete)
a set of defaults (not necessariliy true conclusions)
Defualt theroy has operational semantics by extensiosn : set of beliefs one may hold about the domain describes by the given default theory
Extensions are obtained by applying defaults as long as possible without running into inconsistencies
The frame probleme : how to represent the invariant aspects of the world
Default resoning :
prottypical resoning : most instances of a concept have some property
no-risk reasoning : concerns situations where a conclusion is draw even if it is not the most probable.
best-guess reasoning
A default d is a triple (P,{J1,...,Jn},Q)
P -> prerequistise of d == pre(d)
J1,...Jn are the justifications of d == just(d)
Q is the consequent of d == cons(d)
A default schema has to form of a default except that is not required the formulas to be closed. It represents a set of defaults
A default theory (W,D):
W : a set of first-order formulas (facts/axioms)
F : a countable set of defaults
Default theory
A) default schemas
B) default theories
C) default theory
if P is currently know, and if all J_i are consistent with the current knowledge base , then conclude Q
the current knowledge is obtained from the facts and the consequents of some defaults that have been applied previously
decuctively closed
the semantics of Default Logic will be given in terms of extensions of default theories that will be defined as the current knowledge bases satsisfying some conditions
Extension contains :
include the set W of facts
deductively closed
closed under the application of default in D
Extensions are maximal possible world views
Extensions should not contain an application of defaults contradicting the application of an earlier default