Internal -> responsible for own actions + less influenced by others
External -> behavior is beyond their control and are influenced by external factors such as fate / luck -> more influenced by others
Consistent w/ milgram's findings -> obedient people [ external LoC ] + believe they are not responsible for their actions
Empathy - Burger (2009)
High levels of empathy -> less likely to harm another | more likely to rebel and protest BUT NOT less obedient
Males and females are virtually identical when it comes to the levels of obedience - Milgram , Burger , Blass
H/e , Kilham + Mann (1974) -> Milgram replication in Aus. using Australian students -> found males to be more compliant
This could depend on the gender combo when it comes to the learner, and learner + experimenter gender combo [ in this study women ordered by male to shock another women so women may have sided with victim instead of shocking -> in group favoritism [overruling obedience to authority]
Cultural variables include things like:
Deference: how important is it to show respect to people in authority and follow leaders?
Individualism: how important is it to be an individual or to be a part of the group?
Justice: how important is it for people to do as they promised and get what they deserve?
Shame: how important is it to "save face" in the presence of other people and not look bad?
Theodore Adorno et al (1950) devised the F-Scale [Fascism scale] to measure authoritarian personality.
Authoritarian personalities respect authority figures but also delight in being an authority figure: they obey their superiors without question, but they bully and oppress their followers in turn.
Adorno suggests that people with Authoritarian Personalities are drawn to beliefs like Nazism and tend to get promoted quickly in Nazi-style organizations.
Individualistic culture - behave more independently and resist conformity
Collectivistic - behave as a collective group based on interdependency -> cooperation and compliance are important for stability
Assume that collectivistic cultures are more obedient
Milgram and Elms (1966) compared the F scale scores of 20 of the most obedient participants and 20 of the most disobedient participants from across the first four of Milgram's experiments.
Obedient participants have higher F-Scale scores, giving more shocks and holding the shock buttons down longer.