Operational semantics

Cards (10)

  • Operational semantics of default logic :
    • apply defaults as long as possible
    • if a default should not have been applied, then we have to backtrack and try some alternative
  • With each Π\Pi two sets of formulas are associatied :
    • IN representsd the current knowledge base after the default in Pi have been applied
    • OUT formulas that should not turn out to be true (should not be in current knowledge base)
  • Pi is called a process of a default theory T iff d_k is application to IN(Pi[k-1]) for every such that d_k occurs in Pi.
    then :
    • Pi is successful iff IN(Π)OUT(Π)=IN(\Pi) \cap OUT(\Pi) = \emptyotherwise it is faield
    • Pi is closed iff every d in D that is applicable to IN(Pi) already occurs in Pi
  • A set of formulas is an extension of the default theory iff there is some closed and sucessful process Pi of T such tat extensions = IN(Pi)
  • fairness
    no applicable default is infintely ignored
  • A process tree of T : a tree PROCTREE(T) = (N,E) with the set of nodes N and the set of edges E such that :
    • every node in N is labeled by two se ts of formulas (IN/OUT)
    • the root node n_0 is labeled by IN(n_0) = TH(W) and OUT(n_0) = empty
  • if n is a closed and succesful node in ProcTree(T), then IN(n) is an extension of the default theory T
  • A default theory T = (W,D) has an inconsistent extension iff W is inconsistent
    A) closed
    B) closed
  • nonmonotonicity : we were provinding an operation semantics for a given default theory.
    if default theory fixed-> no nonmonoticity
    may appear when the deault theory is changed.
  • Classsical reasoning problem of default theories :
    • deciding whether a default theory has an extension
    • deciding whether a given formula is an element of all extensions : skeptical reasoning
    • deciding whether a given formula is an element of one extension : credulous reasoning